Sep 4, 2023
We are inundated every day with images and messaging and even well-intentioned remarks that we are not beautiful enough or thin enough or good enough. The cost of consuming, comparing, and self-criticism in our beauty culture is far too high.
But, the good news is that each of us can learn to re-think the images and re-frame the messaging. We really can get to a place where we love the person we see in the mirror.
Marianne Talkovski is a licensed acupuncturist and esthetician. As the owner of Project Gorgeous, Marianne focuses on organic skin care and acupuncture for stress relief, healthy aging, and fertility.
Her journey, including her own struggles with our cultural standards of beauty, has fueled a passion for helping her clients prioritize self-care, improve their health and energy, pursue their desires, and love the skin they are in.
In this discussion, Marianne explains how our most authentic expression of beauty can be found in radical self-acceptance. We talk about the connection between our emotions and our bodies, the role of awareness in healing, and the way our face reflects the life we live.
I know you’ll find some interesting ideas here. Thank you for listening!
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Journaling can be life-changing. Grab a pen and put your thoughts on paper—you might be amazed by how much it helps. But, if you’re having trouble getting started or sorting out your thoughts, consider getting a copy of the Treasured Journal. The Treasured Journal includes questions, prompts, and sentence stems to help you make sense of what you’re feeling. Get the journal and its companion meditation guide at the link below.
Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or experiences you want to share. I would love to hear from you! If you liked this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps me increase the value of this program and makes it easier for others to find us.
This episode originally aired as #50 on June 9, 2020.
Instagram: @danielleireland_LCSW
Facebook: @danielleireland_LCSW