Jun 30, 2020
What does it mean to love our body when the world seems hyper focused on reminding us what's wrong with it?
Well, Amber Romaniuk from The No Sugar Coating Podcast has some answers.
As an emotional eating, hormone, and digestive expert - Amber is passionate about exploring our relationship with food, loving ourselves, battling perfection, and trusting our body.
In this episode we talk about the relationships between
Her passion for this content is palpable and this episode is emotionally nutrient dense.
We talk about the transformations she's experienced in her own life, how that affects her work with clients, and how thinking "it's just me" can keep us silent and trapped in our pain.
At the end we also bond over being 6 years old "buying friends" with candy, and letting a bully borrow my hamster.
Find more ways to connect with Amber HERE.